Speaker Mieriņa to Serbian counterpart: We are ready to assist with reform experience from our own path to EU membership


“Latvia has an interest in seeing secure and stable growth in the Western Balkans as well as further integration of the region with the European Union. We are willing to assist in Serbia’s reform process with our own experience, and we highly value Serbia’s commitment to EU integration as a strategic objective,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Tuesday, 18 February, welcoming Ana Brnabić, Speaker of the National Assembly of Serbia, at the Latvian parliament.

Speaker Mieriņa underlined that the prospective opening of the Serbian Embassy in Riga will be a positive impulse for intensifying dialogue. As emphasised by Ana Brnabić, Serbia is willing to deepen cooperation with Latvia and the Baltic States as a whole, and establishing the Embassy will act as a powerful signal of Serbia’s commitment to strengthening our relations.

Serbia needs Latvia’s support, noted Speaker Brnabić. The country has set the ambitious target of completing reforms and ensuring alignment with the European Union acquis by 2026.

Regarding the importance of reforms, the Speaker of the Saeima expressed openness to constructive dialogue about possibilities of offering assistance. “Our own path to EU membership was not easy, either, but, in hindsight, it is clear that we made the right decision. The advantages of EU membership vastly outweigh the hardships and inconveniences met on the reform path,” explained Mieriņa, pointing to the increasing impact of the geopolitical situation, as we witness the wartime atrocities committed in Ukraine.

The war in Ukraine is a result of Russia’s imperialist mindset. We know our neighbours—Russia and Belarus—and we face the bitter reality of hybrid attacks and spreading disinformation, stated Speaker Mieriņa.

The Speakers of the Latvian and Serbian parliaments agreed on the need for further support for Ukraine, in particular now that the preparation for peace talks is in full swing. Speaker Mieriņa stressed that there can be no negotiations behind Ukraine’s back. “The process must be transparent and just. There is no other way to achieve lasting peace. Likewise, it is important to continue pursuing a containment policy against Russia.” Speakers Daiga Mieriņa and Ana Brnabić were united in condemning Russian aggression and supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

The Speakers also discussed opportunities to strengthen economic partnership between Latvia and Serbia, in particular in promising sectors such as IT and startup cooperation.

Edvards Smiltēns, Secretary of the Saeima, and Atis Švinka, member of the Saeima Group for promoting cooperation with the Parliament of Serbia, also participated in the meeting with Speaker Ana Brnabić.


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