Speaker Mūrniece to Canadian Ambassador: security is key item on the agenda


"Security has become the main item on our bilateral agenda. We are grateful for Canada’s contribution and leadership in strengthening the security of the Baltic region, and especially for taking the lead as a framework nation of the NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battle group in Latvia," said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, during her meeting with Kevin Rex, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Canada to Latvia, on 10 August. The Ambassador paid his farewell call to the Parliament of Latvia. 

Speaker Mūrniece emphasised that the Baltic States are NATO countries bordering Russia and are at the frontline of its military and hybrid threat. Ināra Mūrniece highlighted that Canada plays an important role in NATO’s deterrence and defence structures and that it has made a significant contribution to the deterrence of Russia’s threats to the region. 

"The NATO summit in Madrid was a historic event and the decisions made during this summit have to be implemented swiftly. The agreement between Latvia and Canada to gradually build, in cooperation with allies, the current eFP battle group up to a fully combat-ready brigade deployed in Latvia is key to NATO’s collective defence," stated Speaker Mūrniece. The Speaker of the Saeima appreciated Canada’s support in persuading other allies to increase their military presence in Latvia. 

While discussing the economic cooperation between Latvia and Canada, Speaker Mūrniece stressed that today, security cannot be detached from economy. Security has given us added impetus to jointly develop high-tech solutions and cooperate in developing critical infrastructure products, pointed out the Speaker of the Saeima. Ināra Mūrniece also highlighted the importance of the Rail Baltica and energy independence projects in the region. 

Both parties expressed their satisfaction with the political dialogue, including at the parliamentary level. The Speaker of the Saeima also thanked the Ambassador for his personal contribution to boosting the relations between Latvia and Canada. 

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720301187590
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