Speaker Āboltiņa and Prime Minister of Montenegro discuss the significance of interparliamentary cooperation in EU and NATO integration


On Wednesday, 31 August, when Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, met with Igor Lukšić, Prime Minister of Montenegro, she stressed the significant role of parliamentary support by partner countries in Latvia’s accession to the European Union and NATO; therefore it is necessary to facilitate interparliamentary cooperation between Latvia and Montenegro.

Speaker Āboltiņa attested to Latvia’s support for EU enlargement and emphasised that Latvia is ready to share the experience it has gained during accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and the European Union. The Speaker identified cooperation among parliamentary European affairs committees, foreign affairs committees and groups for interparliamentary relations as the most effective forms of interparliamentary cooperation.  

“On 21 August, Latvia celebrated the 20th anniversary of the de facto restoration of its independence. We highly value our independence, as well as our regained freedom and place in Europe. Therefore, Latvia was among the first countries which in 2006 recognised the independence of Montenegro and that is also the reason why we truly understand and support the desire of Montenegro to joint the EU and NATO,” said Āboltiņa.

During the discussion, Prime Minister Lukšić welcomed Latvia’s support for Montenegro’s EU and NATO aspirations and emphasised that the Baltic States, including Latvia, are among the best examples of how to implement necessary reforms.  

During the meeting, issues related to regional cooperation were also addressed. The Speaker highlighted the role of the Baltic Assembly in organising interparliamentary cooperation among the Baltic States. She also commended Montenegro’s active role in regional cooperation in the Balkans.  

Regarding the facilitation of economic cooperation, Edvards Smiltēns, Chairman of the group for interparliamentary relations with Montenegro, emphasised the significant role of tourism. Smiltēns said that experience shows that intensified cooperation in the area of tourism increases cooperation between two countries in other spheres of the economy. Ojārs Kalniņš, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, urged Montenegro to open its regional embassy in Riga because the capital of our country has numerous significant advantages.

Photos from the meeting are available at:
Video from the meeting is available at: https://www.youtube.com/saeimaSAB#p/a/u/0/JTwGN7m9AHQ
When using the material, please give credit to the Saeima.

Saeima Press Service

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