
E-Saeima is a technological solution tailor-made for the needs and specific procedures of the Saeima, enabling remote plenary sittings, with MPs participating from outside the Parliament premises.

MPs can connect to sittings from any computer with an internet connection, using a secure authentication method — the e-signature. The e-Saeima platform ensures that MPs can debate and vote on items included in the plenary agenda.

Plenary sittings are held on the e-Saeima platform upon a decision of the Saeima Presidium to hold a remote urgent sitting.

Ceturtdien, 19.septembrī
09:00  Saeimas 2024.gada 19.septembra kārtējā sēde
15:00  Saeimas priekšsēdētājas biedres Zandas Kalniņas-Lukaševicas tikšanās ar Latvijas ANO Jauniešu delegātiem
17:00  2024.gada 19.septembra atbilžu sniegšana uz deputātu jautājumiem