International cooperation

Cooperation with parliaments of other countries is a significant part of the work of the Saeima. The Saeima has established delegations to represent the interests of our country in interparliamentary organisations, and MPs also form groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries. Cooperation with colleagues and diplomatic representatives of other countries also takes place at the level of sectoral committees, parliamentary groups, as well as the Presidium and the Speaker of the Saeima.


Groups for promoting cooperation with parliaments of other countries

Representation of the Saeima in the OECD Global Parliamentary Network

International parliamentary Scholarship – IPS (Internationales Parlaments-Stipendium)

Pirmdien, 18.novembrī
09:00  Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 106. gadadienai veltītais Ekumeniskais dievkalpojums Rīgas Domā
10:30  Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 106. gadadienai veltītā Ziedu nolikšanas ceremonija pie Brīvības pieminekļa
12:00  Saeimas 2024. gada 18. novembra svinīgā sēde
13:30  Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 106. gadadienai veltītā Nacionālo bruņoto spēku vienību militārā parāde 11.novembra krastmalā