Youth Parliament

The Youth Parliament is a project of the Latvian Parliament that provides young people with an opportunity to present and defend their ideas, while learning about the day-to-day life of MPs. Young people submit their ideas for elections, organise campaigns, and collect votes in support of their ideas.

The 100 elected members of the Youth Parliament whose ideas have earned the most votes gather at the Saeima building for one day to learn first-hand about the work of the legislature and address topical issues from the rostrum in front of their peers.

The work of the Youth Parliament closely resembles the work of the Saeima, especially the process of drafting laws in parliamentary committees and plenary sittings.

The 11th Youth Parliament will convene on 26 April 2024 in the Latvian Parliament.


More information on the website of the Youth Parliament:

Youth Parliament on social media: XFacebookYouTube and Flickr.



10th Youth Parliament

Discussion of the candidates for the 10th Youth Parliament

9th Youth Parliament

8th Youth Parliament

7th Youth Parliament

6th Youth Parliament

5th Youth Parliament

4th Youth Parliament

3rd Youth Parliament

2nd Youth Parliament

1st Youth Parliament

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