Involvement of society is a significant part in the parliamentary work of a democratic country. Individuals and organisations have an opportunity to participate in the work of the Saeima and the legislative process.

According to Article 104 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, everyone has the right to address submissions to state or local government institutions and to receive a reply on the essence of the question.



Receiving visitors and arranging guided tours

In January 2009, the Visitor and Information Centre was established at the Saeima in order to improve the dialogue between the Saeima and society by informing it about the work of the Saeima, as well as to encourage the involvement of individuals in parliamentary activity.



Conferences and events

An open parliament, cooperation with society and its involvement in the legislative process are among the priorities of the Saeima.



Cooperation with NGOs

Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) play an important role in the work of the Saeima. By evaluating legislative initiatives and submitting proposals, NGOs influence the decisions made by the Saeima. When considering issues, committees invite NGO representatives as experts.



School programme “Meet the Saeima”

The educational school programme “Meet the Saeima” offers young people an opportunity to understand the everyday work of the parliament and to learn in an interactive manner how the legislative process influences their lives and how they can affect the work of the Saeima.



Youth Parliament

The Saeima open its doors to young people from all regions of Latvia – members of the Youth Parliament – that were invited to get acquainted with the specifics of the legislator’s work and to address their peers from the rostrum of the Saeima on the subjects that are topical to society.

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Job Shadow Day in the Saeima

Each February the Saeima continues the tradition of participating in Job Shadow Day as it hosts shadows from across Latvia.


Archives of the Saeima

In accordance with laws and regulations, the Archives of the Saeima are responsible for the preservation and use of documents that need to be permanently stored and those that pertain to the Saeima staff. Hard copies of documents pertaining to the Presidium of the Saeima, political groups, committees, bureaus and structural units of the Chancellery, as well as audio and video files, are stored in the Archives of the Saeima.

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Svētdien, 23.martā