Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima

Daiga Mieriņa

Daiga Mieriņa (née Cekule) was born on 3 March 1969 in Riga.

She completed her secondary education at Bulduri Horticultural School. Mieriņa earned a bachelor’s degree in horticulture from the Latvia University of Agriculture and a master’s degree in total quality management from Riga Technical University. She also studied internal quality systems audit at the Quality Systems Institute of the Latvian National Quality Association.

Mieriņa has worked at the State Revenue Service (1998–2001) and at the Ministry of Transport as Head of the Internal and Financial Audit Department (2001–2004) and Head of the Internal Audit and Quality Management Department (2004–2009). Council Member of the State JSC Electronic Communications Directorate (2005–2009).

Member (2001–2009) and Chair (2009–2021) of the Carnikava Municipality Council; Member (2021–2022) of the Ādaži Municipality Council after Carnikava Municipality was merged into Ādaži Municipality as a result of the administrative-territorial reform.

Board Member of Vidzeme Tourism Association (2015–2023). Chair of the Council of the association Jūras zeme (2017–2019).

Chair of the Board of Pierīga Local Government Association (2015–2016); Chair of the Development Council of the Riga Planning Region (2017–2021); Board Member of Riga and Pierīga Local Government Association Rīgas metropole (2021).

In 2022, Mieriņa was elected to the 14th Saeima from the Union of Greens and Farmers list. As Member of Parliament, she was the Chair of the Public Administration and Local Government Committee. Elected Speaker of the Saeima on 20 September 2023.

Married, three children, four grandchildren.

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