Submissions and proposals

Priorities of the Saeima include openness, cooperation with society and its involvement in the legislative process.According to the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, all persons havethe right to file submissions with the Saeima. Submissions are received andreviewed in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Saeima, the Lawon Submissions, the Official Language Law, other relevant legal acts and principles of good governance.

To lodge a written submission to the Saeima, please use one of the following channels:

  • by post addressed to:
    Latvijas Republikas Saeima
  • Jēkaba iela 11
  • e‑mail to
  • the Saeima e-address 90000028300
  • the post box in the vestibule of the main building
  • of the Saeima at Jēkaba iela 11
  • at the Visitor and Information Centre at Jēkaba iela 16 (entrance from Trokšņu iela)

The staff of the Visitor and Information Centre can help to put an oral submission in writing.

When Saeima or its units receive or process a submission, they are required to fully meet personal data protection rules.

Submissions are a significant source of information, which is used by individual MPs, committees and parliamentary groups in their daily work.

The Saeima receives approximately 2,000 submissions every year.

The Saeima also accepts documents signed with a secure electronic signature.

Format of a submission

Pursuant to the Law on Submissions, the submission should bear the full name of the submitter, as well as the reply address. The submission must be signed. The submitter is free to provide any other information that could be helpful in contacting him/her. Pursuant to the Official Language Law, the submission must be written in the official language of the Republic of Latvia.

Procedure for reviewing a submission

The Saeima provides a response on the essence of the question within a month from the day the submission is registered. If the content of the submission does not require an answer, the Saeima informs the submitter within seven weekdays that the submission has been received.

If the submission is intended for another institution, the Saeima forwards the submission to the relevant institution and within seven weekdays informs the submitter thereof.

The Law on Submissions does not apply to submissions received in an electronic form if it has not been signed with an electronic signature in accordance with the procedure set forth by legal acts. Such a submission is considered in accordance with the procedure set forth by the Saeima and by observing the principle of good governance.

Collective Submission

Following the initiative of the web-based platform, the Saeima broadened society’s involvement in the legislative process by means of a collective submission that can be filed with the Saeima by not less than 10,000 citizens. The submission can be signed by citizens of Latvia who have reached the age of 16 on the day that the submission is filed. It is also possible to collect signatures electronically as long as the possibility to identify signatories and protect personal data is ensured.

A collective submission must contain a request to the Saeima and a brief justification of the request; it must also specify the natural person authorised to represent the signatories of the collective submission.

Overview on received submissions

Submissions are a significant source of information which is used by committees and parliamentary groups. In order to provide MPs with an opportunity to analyse the opinions and suggestions contained in submissions filed by private entities, the Public Relations Department gathers information, prepares a monthly overview on submissions and submits it to the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee for consideration. 

Once a month, the Public Relations Department also informs the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee on the activity of the Visitor and Information Centre of the Saeima.

The overview is published on the website of the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee.

Processing of submissions

Information about the processing of a submission and the deadline for replying can be obtained by calling the  Visitor and Information Centre hotline +371 67087321 (on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:00) or by sending an e-mail to info@saeima.lvThis information is provided pursuant to the Law on Submissions, Freedom of Information Law, and Personal Data Processing Law. 


The Saeima provides neither official explanations of laws nor legal consultations. Neither does it solve problems of private entities, nor does it provide social assistance.

Please be informed that submissions containing legislative proposals may be published on the website of the Saeima.

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Fact sheet: Handing in Submissions to the Saeima (.pdf)
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