Visitor and Information Centre

Priorities of the Saeima include openness, cooperation with society and its involvement in the legislative process.

The Visitor and Information Centre plays a crucial role in fostering parliamentary dialogue with society by enabling each inhabitant to learn about the work of the Saeima.

To lodge a written submission to the Saeima, please use one of the following channels:

  • by post addressed to:
    Latvijas Republikas Saeima
    Jēkaba iela 11
  • e‑mail to
  • the Saeima e-address 90000028300
  • the post box in the vestibule of the main building of the Saeima at Jēkaba iela 11
  • at the Visitor and Information Centre at Jēkaba iela 16 (entrance from Trokšņu iela)

Saeima Visitors and Information Centre are required to fully meet personal data protection rules when processing personal data.

The  Visitor and Information Centre provides individuals with opportunities to learn:

  • about the work of the Saeima
  • how to contact members and officials of the parliament
  • about the status of draft laws
  • about the transcripts of plenary sittings, voting results, archives of video and audio recordings
  • about the guided tours of the main building of the Saeima
  • about the possibilities to observe plenary sittings and committee meetings

Information about the processing of a submission and the deadline for responding can be obtained by calling the Saeima hotline at +371 6708 7321 (on business days from 8:30 to 17:00) or by sending an e-mail to This information is provided pursuant to the Law on Submissions, Freedom of Information Law, and Personal Data Processing Law. 

Faktu lapas Iesniegums ikona
Fact sheet: Filing submissions with the Saeima (.pdf)


The Centre does not:

  • provide legal counselling
  • provide social assistance
  • examine complaints concerning decisions made by public administration and law enforcement agencies or public officials
  • deal with specific problems of individuals

The Centre does not accept personal deliveries addressed to MPs or staff members of the Saeima. For this purpose, the addressee should be contacted in person, or the delivery should be made to the Mail Office of the Saeima on Jēkaba iela 11.

If the query is made on an issue that does not fall within the competence of the Centre, the person is provided with the contact information of the relevant institution in charge of that issue.

All answers to submissions are of a strictly informative nature and should not be considered legally binding.

Once a month, the Public Relations Department informs the Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee on the activity of the Visitor and Information Centre of the Saeima. All overviews regarding received submissions are published on the Saeima website.

Centre's contacts:

Address: Riga, Jēkaba iela 16 (entrance from Trokšņu iela)  

Visiting hours: weekdays from 9.00 to 16.30 

The Saeima hotline: +371 67087321 (weekdays from 8.30 to 17.00)


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