Open Door Day

titulsCelebrating important anniversaries for Latvia – 35 years since the Baltic Way and 20 years since the accession to the European Union and NATO – the Open Door Day took place on 27 September at the main building of the Saeima.

This year marks 35 years since two million people from the Baltic States joined hands on the Baltic Way – from Tallinn through Riga to Vilnius – to stand up for the freedom of their countries. In honour of this event, visitors of the Open Door Day had the opportunity to send a postcard dedicated to this anniversary free of charge to any place in Latvia.

Visitors of the Saeima could also take a photo at the installation “Join the Baltic Way!”, joining hands with the participants of the campaign and symbolically become a part of the historical event in the name of freedom and democracy.

While celebrating the 20th anniversary of Latvia's accession to the European Union and NATO, visitors of the Saeima had an opportunity to explore Latvia's path to membership of the North Atlantic Alliance and find out the benefits that we enjoy as citizens of the European Union on a daily basis.

On the Open Door Day, visitors saw the various Parliament’s premises – the Saeima Plenary Chamber, where Members of Parliament gather for the weekly sittings, the Voting Room, the Yellow Room, and the Red Room, as well as the function rooms.

The Saeima also offered visitors information on parliamentary projects for young people – the photo competition “My Latvia. My responsibility”, the school programme “Meet the Saeima” and the project “Youth Parliament”.

The Saeima is an open parliament that can be visited not only during the Open Door Day, but also on a daily basis by applying for a tour.


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