Personal data processing at the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia and its structural units

Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the General Data Protection Regulation[1], the Personal Data Processing Law and other legal requirements applicable to personal data protection, the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter – the Saeima) only processes personal data necessary to perform the functions of the Parliament and facilitate its work.

More information on personal data processing performed by the Saeima is available in the decree by the Secretary General of the Administration of the Saeima on the Personal Data Processing in the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia and its Organisational Units.


Data processing controller, contact information

The personal data controller is the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia, taxpayer registration code: LV 900-000-283-00. Address: Jēkaba iela 11, Riga, LV-1811. Phone: +371 67087321. E-mail:

The Saeima has designated a data protection officer who organises, controls and monitors personal data processing performed by the Saeima as the controller and its compliance with the legal requirements of the European Union and Latvia. Contact information for the Saeima’s data protection officer:


Rights of the data subject

Upon submitting a written inquiry (submission) to the Saeima, any person shall have the right to:

  • obtain the information specified in the relevant legal acts concerning their personal data being processed by the Saeima;
  • request from the Saeima access to personal data, their supplementation, rectification, erasure or restriction of data processing;
  • object to personal data processing in certain cases;
  • data portability and withdrawal of consent, if any;
  • lodge a complaint with the Saeima if the data subject considers that their rights and interests are infringed.

Please note that the rights of the individual may be restricted in cases specified in the relevant legal acts.

In exercising their rights and adhering to Section 3 of the Law on Submissions, data subjects may address submissions to the Saeima by indicating they are requests of the data subject in the following forms:

  • by filing a submission in person in the main building of the Saeima at Jēkaba iela 11 and presenting a personal identification document upon submitting it;
  • electronically by signing the submission with a secure electronic signature and emailing it to or;
  • by mail addressed to Latvijas Republikas Saeima, Jēkaba iela 11, Rīga, LV-1811;
  • filed via the portal

The rights of an individual may be exercised only if the person is identifiable. If the request is submitted by mail, the response shall be sent by registered letter in order to ensure that the submitter of the request is identifiable upon receiving the letter of reply.

Questions or objections to personal data processing performed by the Saeima as the controller should be initially addressed to the data protection officer of the Saeima. In case a person considers that personal data processing performed by the Saeima infringes their rights and interests, the person shall have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, i.e. the Data State Inspectorate (

[1] Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)

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