5th Youth Parliament 

On Monday, 27 April, concluding the 5th Youth Parliament, the young people who were particularly active in sectoral committees and took the initiative in discussions on draft declarations of the Youth Parliament were awarded the title of the Future Politician. 

The title of Future Politician was awarded to Edgars Korsaks-Mills from Riga Technical University; Žaklīna Vagoliņa from Ogre State Gymnasium; Lora Eglīte from Dundaga Secondary School; and Elīza Dāldere from Āgenskalns State Gymnasium. They will have an opportunity to attend the ceremonial sitting of the Saeima held on 4 May at the Latvian National Theatre in honour of the 25th anniversary of the renewal of independence of the Republic of Latvia. 

For the first time in the history of the Youth Parliament its members gave the oath of office before being granted their mandates and cast their votes with the electronic voting system of the Saeima. Out of the 100 elected members, 95 young people gathered at the 5th Youth Parliament on 27 April thus gaining first-hand experience in the daily work of an MP. 

Members of the 5th Youth Parliament held two plenary sittings where they adopted three declarations drafted in sectoral committees: on promotion of patriotism, introduction of security and defence studies in schools, involvement of students in national information and cyber security, on healthy living, health care and social care, as well as on more active involvement of young people in EU activities and policy planning. For the first time members of the Youth Parliament rejected the declaration drafted by the Education, Culture and Science Committee on training of youths for the labour market. 

Based on competition of ideas about Latvia’s growth and development, members of the Youth Parliament were elected by a public vote in proportion to the number of inhabitants in each region of Latvia. A total of 135 young people were listed as candidates for the Youth Parliament, and 4,589 votes were cast. 

The plenary sittings and conclusion of the 5th Youth Parliament were broadcast live on the Saeima website www.saeima.lv. Information about the project is also available on social networks www.draugiem.lv/jauniesusaeima/www.youtube.com/jauniesusaeima, as well as on Twitter ― @jauniesusaeima and @jekaba11

The Youth Parliament was organised by the Saeima. Publicity was provided by the social network Draugiem.lv, Latvian Television and Latvian Radio. 


Material from the 5th Youth Parliament 

Video from the 1st plenary sitting

Video from the 2nd plenary sitting

Video from the closing event

Photos from the 5th Youith Parliament

Video about the 1st plenary sitting

Video about the 5th Youth Parliament

Photos on preparations before the 5th Youth Parliament

List of members of the 5th Youth Parliament (in Latvian)

Agenda of the 5th Youth Parliament (in Latvian)

Rules for using the content: https://www.saeima.lv/en/copyright



4th Youth Parliament

3rd Youth Parliament

2nd Youth Parliament

1st Youth Parliament

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Trešdien, 26.martā
09:00  Pieprasījumu komisijas sēde
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10:00  Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijas sēde
10:00  Juridiskās komisijas sēde
10:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas sēde
10:00  Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas sēde
10:00  Aizsardzības, iekšlietu un korupcijas novēršanas komisijas sēde
10:00  Valsts pārvaldes un pašvaldības komisijas sēde
10:00  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas sēde
10:00  Sociālo un darba lietu komisijas sēde
10:15  Ārlietu komisijas sēde
12:00  Saeimas priekšsēdētajas biedres Zandas Kalniņas-Lukaševicas, Saeimas Ārlietu komisijas priekšsēdētājas Ināras Mūrnieces un Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijas priekšsēdētāja Edmunda Cepurīša tikšanās ar Gruzijas piekto prezidenti Salome Zurabišvili
12:00  Mandātu, ētikas un iesniegumu komisijas sēde
12:00  Publisko izdevumu un revīzijas komisijas sēde
12:00  Nacionālās drošības komisijas sēde
12:00  Ilgtspējīgas attīstības komisijas sēde
13:30  Saeimas priekšsēdētājas V.E. Daigas Mieriņas tikšanās ar Gruzijas piekto prezidenti Salome Zurabišvili