Youth Parliament

Title of Future Politician of the 10th Youth Parliament Awarded

On Friday, 21 April, concluding the 10th Youth Parliament, the title of Future Politician was awarded to Sintija Beitāne, Kristiāns Priedītis, Madara Senkāne and Dāvis Emīls Zīle. Working in the sectoral committees of the Youth Parliament, these youths were the ones who were especially active in discussing and improving the draft declarations.

This year the theme of the project was “Latvia Chooses Democracy” and the youths discussed strengthening independence, freedom of choice and the opportunities it provides, the role of education in safeguarding freedom and national identity, as well as strengthening democracy.

In the Plenary Chamber of the Saeima, the elected young people swore their solemn oath, approved their mandates and the composition of the committees. At the plenary sitting, the members of the Youth Parliament debated and voted on forwarding four draft declarations for examination in the responsible sectoral committees – the Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee, the Foreign Affairs Committee, the European Affairs Committee and the Education, Culture and Science Committee. Over the course of the afternoon, the youths discussed the draft declarations and the submitted proposals in the committees and then took decisions on them at a second plenary sitting of the Youth Parliament.

The Youth Parliament session was chaired by Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, and a Youth Presidium consisting of the members whose ideas received the most votes in the elections for the Youth Parliament: Romans Giedrjus Gorjunovs, Maksims Lodiņš, Emīls Bergs and Kate Sūniņa.

 Work in the committees was led by Irma Kalniņa, Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Jānis Skrastiņs, Secretary of the Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee, Andris Sprūds, Chair of the European Affairs Committee, and Agita Zariņa-Stūre, Chair of the Education, Culture and Science Committee.

In order to run for election to the 10th Youth Parliament, candidates were required to submit an idea for the election and proposals for draft declarations. The Youth Parliament functions much like the real Parliament, namely, members are required to draft legislative proposals in committees and then adopt them in plenary sittings.


Address by Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, to the members of the 10th Youth Parliament 


Videos and photos from the 10th Youth Parliament

Video “10th Youth Parliament”

Video “Young People Convene at the Saeima for the 10th Youth Parliament”

Photo gallery “10th Youth Parliament”


Recordings of the sittings of the 10th Youth Parliament

Video of the first plenary sitting of the Youth Parliament

Video of the second plenary sitting of the Youth Parliament


More information on the website of the Youth Parliament:


Youth Parliament on social media: TwitterFacebookYouTube and Flickr.



Discussion of the candidates for the 10th Youth Parliament

9th Youth Parliament

8th Youth Parliament

7th Youth Parliament

6th Youth Parliament

5th Youth Parliament

4th Youth Parliament

3rd Youth Parliament

2nd Youth Parliament

1st Youth Parliament

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Trešdien, 26.martā
09:00  Pieprasījumu komisijas sēde
09:00  Eiropas lietu komisijas sēde
10:00  Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijas sēde
10:00  Juridiskās komisijas sēde
10:00  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas sēde
10:00  Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas sēde
10:00  Aizsardzības, iekšlietu un korupcijas novēršanas komisijas sēde
10:00  Valsts pārvaldes un pašvaldības komisijas sēde
10:00  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas sēde
10:00  Sociālo un darba lietu komisijas sēde
10:15  Ārlietu komisijas sēde
12:00  Saeimas priekšsēdētajas biedres Zandas Kalniņas-Lukaševicas, Saeimas Ārlietu komisijas priekšsēdētājas Ināras Mūrnieces un Saeimas Eiropas lietu komisijas priekšsēdētāja Edmunda Cepurīša tikšanās ar Gruzijas piekto prezidenti Salome Zurabišvili
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12:00  Publisko izdevumu un revīzijas komisijas sēde
12:00  Nacionālās drošības komisijas sēde
12:00  Ilgtspējīgas attīstības komisijas sēde
13:30  Saeimas priekšsēdētājas V.E. Daigas Mieriņas tikšanās ar Gruzijas piekto prezidenti Salome Zurabišvili