Pieteikuma anketa: Atvērto durvju dienas Saeimā

* Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.

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Person in charge of the group:

* or

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When adding a group member, please include the personal identification number or ID issued by a foreign country.

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Maximum number of visitors during this period: persons

I confirm that the personal data provided in this application form are my personal data. I confirm that I am familiar with the processing of personal data by the Saeima (https://saeima.lv/datu-apstrade/) and I agree to such processing.

I confirm that I am familiar with the Regulations on the Procedure of Visiting and Staying in the Buildings of the Saeima (https://www.saeima.lv/files/Uzturesanas_Noteikumi.pdf)

Svētdien, 1.septembrī