Saeima increases criminal liability for threatening to commit murder or grievous bodily harm


In order to ensure more effective protection for persons who are threatened with grievous bodily harm or murder, the Saeima adopted in the third reading amendments to the Criminal Law on Thursday, 15 June. More effective protection will also be provided to people whose safety is threatened by repeated or prolonged stalking, surveillance, threats and unwanted communication.

"Violence must not be tolerated. We must be proactive and do everything we can to reduce such incidents and ensure protection for people who have a well-founded reason to fear for their safety," said Andrejs Judins, Chair of the Legal Affairs Committee, which is responsible for advancing the draft law in the Saeima.

Until now, threats to commit murder or grievous bodily harm, as well as persecution, could be punished by short-term imprisonment, probation supervision, community service or a fine. The amendments also allow perpetrators to be sentenced to up to one year's imprisonment.

In cases where the victim and the perpetrator are closely linked, the perpetrator will also be liable to imprisonment for up to three years. This is the case if the offence is committed against the perpetrator's first or second degree relative, a spouse, a former spouse, a person with whom the perpetrator is or has been in a stable intimate relationship or with whom they share a common (undivided) household. The amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law adopted by the Saeima provide that in this case criminal proceedings may be initiated in the public interest also without the victim's application.

Criminal proceedings for an offence involving violence or threat of violence committed by a relative, former spouse or a person with whom the victim is or has been in a regular intimate relationship will have an advantage over other criminal proceedings in ensuring a reasonable time limit. The trial of such a criminal case will have to start no later than four weeks after receipt.

Victims, witnesses and other persons who testify or have testified in criminal proceedings concerning threats to commit murder, grievous bodily harm or persecution will be granted special procedural protection, according to the adopted amendments to the Law on Special Protection of Persons.

The amendments will enter into force on 15 July.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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