Press releases

Edvards Smiltēns: Common foreign policy a matter of national security, we all serve as diplomats
“If we want to safeguard our values, the rule of law, our way of life, we must be aware that our battlefield includes raising awareness of Russia’s aggression among the wider international community, and support for holding Russia accountable. The unity of our foreign policy objectives and actions is a matter of national security. Foreign policy is not only the responsibility of diplomats. We all serve as diplomats", said Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, on Thursday, January 26, during the annual parliamentary foreign policy debate, reminding that freedom, independence and democracy are never to be taken for granted.
Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica in Strasbourg: Establishment of an international tribunal will eliminate illusion of impunity in Russia
“Our response to Russian aggression in Ukraine must prevent any evil illusion of impunity. Otherwise, it may create new wars and violent crises,” stressed Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, Head of the Latvian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), on Thursday, 26 January, in Strasbourg.
Rihards Kols: Our world shaped by brute force policy
Parliamentary diplomacy is a key in solving such complex challenges as international terrorism, refugee and migrant crises, both “frozen” and “hot” conflicts, and the institutional crisis — truly global problems, requiring multi-faceted, comprehensive response," said the Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Rihards Kols, at the annual foreign policy debate on Thursday, 26 January, stressing that crises have made us realise that we are now living in a world shaped by policy of brute force.
Andris Sprūds: Priority areas for the EU - security, sustainability and public engagement
Security, sustainability and public engagement — three priority areas in foreign policy on European Union issues were highlighted in the annual foreign policy debate in the Parliament on Thursday, 26 January, by Andris Sprūds, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima.
Saeima delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe commences work
Until 27 January, Strasbourg (France) is hosting the 2023 winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), featuring the first-ever participation of the 14th Saeima delegation to PACE.
Edvards Smiltēns: the Barricades—a united, unbreakable wall of courage and determination
“Back then, it seemed as though the entire Latvia were barricading. Physically here in Riga, across Latvia, and figuratively—in people’s hearts. A united, unbreakable wall of courage and determination. People came from all regions and cities to defend their freedom, not because it was officially organised by the authorities, but upon invitation of the Popular Front. Without hesitation or second thoughts,” said Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, on Friday, 20th January, lighting the commemorative bonfire on the Commemoration Day of Participants of the 1991 Barricades.
Saeima delegation visits Chernihiv region affected by Russian occupation
On Saturday, 14 January, continuing their visit to Ukraine, the Saeima delegation visited the northern Chernihiv region, which had been partially occupied by Russia at the outset of the invasion and whose infrastructure has received significant damage.
Edvards Smiltēns meets Ukrainian senior officials in Kyiv
Continuing their visit to Ukraine, the delegation led by the Speaker of the Saeima, Edvards Smiltēns, met with the highest Ukrainian officials — President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba and Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal.
Saeima approves its representatives in international organisations
On Thursday, 12 January, the Saeima approved the compositions and leadership of the Latvian Parliament’s delegations to international organisations.
Mobile operators to send early warning notifications to all citizens simultaneously
On Thursday, 12 January, in the second and final reading, the Saeima supported an urgent amendment to the Civil Protection and Disaster Management Law, requiring mobile operators to ensure that early warning notifications are sent to citizens at the same time.
Trešdien, 18.septembrī
09:00  Valsts pārvaldes un pašvaldības komisijas sēde (turpinājums)
09:00  Pieprasījumu komisijas sēde
09:00  Eiropas lietu komisijas sēde
09:30  Aizsardzības, iekšlietu un korupcijas novēršanas komisijas sēde
10:00  Budžeta un finanšu (nodokļu) komisijas sēde
10:00  Juridiskās komisijas sēde
10:00  Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas sēde
10:00  Valsts pārvaldes un pašvaldības komisijas sēde
10:00  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas sēde
10:00  Sociālo un darba lietu komisijas sēde
10:15  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas sēde
12:00  Mandātu, ētikas un iesniegumu komisijas sēde
12:00  Publisko izdevumu un revīzijas komisijas sēde
12:00  Ilgtspējīgas attīstības komisijas sēde
15:30  Cilvēktiesību un sabiedrisko lietu komisijas Mediju politikas apakškomisijas sēde
15:30  Parlamentārā izmeklēšanas komisija par "Rail Baltica" projekta parlamentārās kontroles nodrošināšanu, lai apzinātu projekta īstenošanā pieļautās kļūdas un panāktu, ka tas kļūst par prioritāru valdības jautājumu un lēmumi tiek pieņemti pārskatāmi, laikus un ievērojot Latvijas valsts un visas sabiedrības intereses, ietekmi uz Latvijas tautsaimniecību un valsts budžetu sēde