The Saeima adopts Statement on the presidential election in Belarus


On Tuesday, 18 August, the Saeima adopted a Statement on the presidential election in Belarus, urging to hold a new presidential election in line with internationally recognised standards, while providing the opposition with equal access to all state-controlled mass media and allowing the opposition to participate in the election on equal footing.

“The Belarusian presidential election did not conform to the international commitments of Belarus and internationally recognised standards of democracy and the rule of law and was not free and fair. We call on the Latvian government and institutions of the European Union to provide support to the Belarusian society, including financial support aimed at the development of Belarusian civil society and independent mass media,” referring to the Statement emphasised Rihards Kols, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, which is responsible for advancing the draft resolution in the Saeima.

Additionally, Kols noted that the Statement urges to ensure fair and genuine opportunities for all candidates to engage in pre-election campaigns and also to ensure the presence of international observers in the new presidential election. The Statement calls to ensure equal representation of candidates’ supporters at all levels of electoral committees.

In the Statement, the Saeima expresses concern about the repressions and violence against representatives of civil society and independent mass media before, during, and after the presidential election in Belarus. Moreover, the Statement underlines that the right to participate in free elections is a fundamental value of democracy, that the freedom of speech and assembly is a basic human right, and also that current actions of the Belarusian authorities violate internationally recognised human rights norms and principles of democracy.

According to the Statement, social dialogue and reforms will improve the development of Belarus by promoting good neighbourly relations in our region and re-establishing successful relations with the European Union.

In the Statement, MPs call on the Belarusian authorities to immediately discontinue the use of force and persecution, release all political prisoners and persons who were illegally detained in the last few days, and rehabilitate the released political prisoners and fully restore their civil and political rights. MPs also urge the Belarusian authorities to ensure adherence to democratic principles, human rights, and fundamental rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international and regional human rights instruments ratified by Belarus.

The Statement encourages the Belarusian government to start immediate dialogue with the opposition and civil society to prevent further violence and introduce changes that the people of Belarus hold desirable and necessary.

In addition, the Saeima calls on the government of Latvia to support the introduction of EU sanctions against the Belarusian officials responsible for the violations of human rights and tampering with election results. The Statement also urges the government of Latvia and institutions of the European Union to provide support to the Belarusian society, including financial support aimed at the development of Belarusian civil society and independent mass media.

In the Statement, the Saeima reaffirms its constant support for the sovereignty of Belarus, well-being and fundamental rights of the Belarusian people.



Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī