In a meeting with ambassador, Speaker of the Saeima expresses support for Ukraine's EU membership


"Ukraine is making every effort to defend freedom and democracy - values that unite the countries of the European Union (EU) - and it should be admitted to the EU," said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, upon meeting with Olexandr Mischenko, Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Latvia, at the Parliament on Tuesday, 8 March.

Mūrniece informed the Ambassador that, on the same day, the Speakers of the Baltic Parliaments were to issue a joint statement calling on the EU Member States to grant Ukraine the EU candidate status as soon as possible.

The Speaker of the Saeima affirmed Latvia's support for Ukraine's freedom and territorial integrity and expressed admiration for the courage and heroism of the Ukrainian people and armed forces in defending themselves against the aggression of the Russian Federation.

The Ambassador briefed the Speaker of the Saeima on the current situation regarding Ukraine's resistance to Russian military aggression and large-scale invasion. Additionally, the Ambassador thanked Latvia for its solidarity in this difficult time and expressed his appreciation for the decisions taken by the Saeima in support of Ukraine.


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Piektdien, 19.jūlijā
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