Press releases

More than 4,000 visit Saeima during the Night of Museums
On Saturday, 18 May, during the five-hour-long Night of Museums more than 4,000 people visited the main building of the Saeima, where they could see the interior of the building and the Plenary Chamber, as well as several exhibitions. The exposition A Green Parliament: The Life of Paper gave an insight into how the use of paper in the parliament has changed over time and how paper is recycled – the process that transforms office waste paper to brand new products. The exposition has been created in cooperation with the Līgatne paper mill.
Saeima in the second reading supports the ban on using USSR symbolism also during festive events
On Thursday, 16 May, the Saeima considered in the second reading the Draft Law on the Amendments to the Law on Safety during Public Entertainment and Festive Events and supported the proposal to ban the use of USSR and Nazi symbols, including stylised ones, also during public entertainment and festive events. Currently the ban applies only to participants of rallies, marches and pickets.
Speaker Āboltiņa at the conference on development cooperation: The EU is based on values that are difficult to strengthen but easy to lose
“Next year Latvia, together with other countries represented here today, will celebrate the tenth anniversary of accession to the European Union. In this decade we have experienced both political and economic upsets, and they have reminded us that the EU is based on values. These values are difficult to strengthen but easy to lose. We must keep this notion, this historical experience, in mind when discussing our place in Europe and the future of the EU,” Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, emphasised in her opening address at the international conference Development Cooperation: The Baltic Response, which took place on 10 May in the main building of the Saeima.
Saeima adopts provisions on recognition of dual citizenship
On Thursday, 9 May, the Saeima in the final reading adopted amendments to the Citizenship Law that recognise dual citizenship, set forth the procedure for granting citizenship to children born in Latvia to non-citizens and to children born abroad to Latvian citizens, as well as introduce changes in the naturalisation procedure.
Ašeradens in Dublin: Latvia sees the European Youth Guarantee as a tool for reducing migration
The European Youth Guarantee is more than just a significant tool for curbing unemployment; it is also an opportunity to significantly reduce migration caused by the high level of youth unemployment, said Arvils Ašeradens, Deputy Chairman of the Social and Employment Matters Committee, at a meeting of chairpersons of employment, enterprise, innovation and social affairs committees of the national parliaments of the European Union held in Dublin on Monday, 29 April.
3rd Youth Parliament addresses issues important to youths and the state
Should health education or politics and law be taught at school as separate mandatory subjects? How to strengthen the feeling among Latvian children and youths currently living abroad that they belong in Latvia? Should the state develop special support programmes for youth enterprises? Should information about advantages and risks related to introduction of the single European currency be disseminated also at schools? These were only some of the questions addressed by the 3rd Youth Parliament on 26 April.
At the Conference of the Speakers of the EU Parliaments, Solvita Āboltiņa emphasises the role of dialogue with society
“By using modern tools of communication and efficiently channelling information, parliaments can develop a continuous, open and honest dialogue with society more easily. Social networks and live broadcasts of plenary sittings are needed; however, it is not enough. I am certain that it is important to have direct contact with people, to hear society’s voice, opinions and attitudes towards local and global events,” emphasised Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Monday, 22 April, when addressing other Speakers of the Parliaments of the European Union at their annual Conference.
Baltic parliamentarians agree on a joint position regarding the CAP
On Friday, 12 April, Vjačeslavs Dombrovskis, Chairman of the Economic, Agricultural, Environmental and Regional Policy Committee of the Saeima; Saulius Bucevičius, Chairman of the Committee on Rural Affairs of the Seimas; and Kalvi Kõva, Chairman of the Rural Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu, signed a declaration on the joint position of the Baltic States regarding reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union.
On Thursday, 11 April, the Saeima supported in principle the Draft Law on the Amendments to the Law on Safety during Public Entertainment and Festive Events. The amendments will ban the use of flags, coats of arms, anthems and other symbols, including stylised ones, of the USSR, Latvian SSR and Nazi Germany also during public entertainment and festive events.
Trešdien, 17.jūlijā
09:00  Eiropas Savienības Austrumu partnerības parlamentāro administrāciju dialogs par pārmaiņu vadību, sarunu vešanu un komunikāciju