Āboltiņa congratulates Latvian army on its 93rd anniversary


On the 93rd anniversary of the establishing of the Latvian army, I would like to thank each Latvian soldier who enables us to feel safe and protected today. On this day I would especially like to commemorate and pay my deepest respect to those soldiers who fought for Latvia’s independence and freedom at historic moments crucial for our country. The security of our country is unimaginable without the Latvian National Armed Forces.

From the very outset, soldiers of the Latvian army have demonstrated selflessness, passion and energy in fighting for and defending their country; in difficult and critical moments the army has been an immeasurable source of unanimity and inspiration for the Latvian people by strengthening their hope for a better and brighter future.

I take genuine pride in looking at the men and women of our National Armed Forces who ensure our security. Our army is strong enough, and its professionalism has been appreciated by international partners.

The national army is a part of national identity; it safeguards the stability and security of the state. Your commitment to defending our country, its freedom and independence under any circumstances strengthens the unity of our nation and its faith in our country throughout generations. Therefore, on this festive occasion, I wish all of our soldiers to keep faith in themselves and their strength. May your conscientious and earnest attitude towards your duty, as well as your patriotism, inspire us all.

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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