Press releases

Saeima decides to extend participation of National Armed Forces in NATO Mission Iraq
On Thursday, 20 October, the Saeima decided to extend the participation of the soldiers of the National Armed Forces (NAF) of Latvia in NATO Mission Iraq until 1 November 2024.
Saeima adopts Law on Transparency of Representation of Interests
On Thursday, 13 October, the Saeima adopted in the third reading the Law on Transparency of Representation of Interests.
Saeima denounces Latvia-Belarus agreement on investment promotion and protection
On Thursday, 6 October, the Saeima supported in the second and final reading a law denouncing the Agreement of 3 March 1998 between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on the promotion and protection of investments.
National guardsmen to be enlisted as soldiers on active duty in case of mobilisation
On Thursday, 6 October, the Saeima supported in the third reading amendments to the National Guard of the Republic of Latvia Law that stipulate the enlistment of national guardsmen as soldiers on active duty in case of mobilisation.
Saeima supports simplified procedure for construction of energy supply structures
On Thursday, 29 September, the Saeima supported in the final reading a new law, considered urgent, that aims to simplify the procedure for the construction of energy supply structures, including wind power plants. The law was developed to promote the production of renewable energy and energy security and independence.
On Thursday, 29 September, the Saeima supported in the second and final reading urgent amendments to the Law on the Handling of Weapons.
On Thursday, 29 September, the Saeima supported in the final reading amendments to the Education Law and the General Education Law, stipulating a gradual three-year transition to the state language as the only language of instruction in pre-school and basic education.
Saeima supports law on the Skulte Terminal
On Thursday, 29 September, the Saeima adopted in the final reading an urgent law on the Skulte Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal in order to prevent long-term energy security risks in the energy sector and ensure the energy security and uninterrupted economic development of Latvia.
Saeima supports declaring state of emergency on Latvia-Russia border
On Thursday, 29 September, the Saeima supported the government decision on declaring a state of emergency in the Alūksne, Balvi, and Ludza districts and border crossing points, as well as on closing the Pededze border crossing point.
Presidium of Baltic Assembly condemns plans to organise illegal referendums in occupied territories of Ukraine
The plans to organise illegal referendums in the occupied territories of Ukraine are to be strongly condemned, says a statement adopted by the Presidium of the Baltic Assembly.
Pirmdien, 30.septembrī
09:00  Senioru diena Saeimā