List of invasive species of Latvia to be drafted; Government to develop measures to combat invasive species


In order for local governments to implement more effective measures to combat invasive species in their territory, including the Spanish snail and hogweed, the Saeima approved in the third and final reading amendments to the Law on the Conservation of Species and Biotopes on Thursday, 3 October. Among other things, they provide for the establishmentof a list of invasive species in Latvia and require the Cabinet of Ministers to develop measures to limit the spread of these species. 

The management measures of species included in the list of invasive species of Latvia will be determined by local governments in their territory. They will be able to choose the most appropriate set of measures from the government's plans to combat invasive species. The municipality will inform about the decision taken in the official gazette Latvijas Vēstnesis, as well as by publishing it in its newspaper and website. 

The owner or user of the land will be obliged to take management measures for an invasive species in order to prevent its further spread. 

For allowing the spread of specimens included in the list of invasive species of Latvia, including non-implementation of containment measures and allowing reproduction, a warning or a fine may be imposed – up to EUR 1500 for a natural person and up to EUR 3000 for a legal person. Administrative violation proceedings regarding these violations will be carried out by the municipal police, administrative inspectorate, local government environmental inspectorate or local government environmental control officials. The administrative violation case will be examined by the administrative commission of the local government. 

The distribution of specimens included in the list of invasive species of Latvia will be monitored by the Nature Conservation Agency. 

The Cabinet is tasked with drawing up the relevant regulations by 28 February 2025.


Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī