Speaker of the Saeima on 4 May: Latvia beats in each of our hearts


“Latvia beats in each of our hearts! We are Latvia—with our history, our countryside, cities, and people who hold our future in their hands,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Saturday, 4 May, at the ceremonial sitting of the Saeima in honour of Latvia’s restoration of independence. The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that, on this festive day, we pay homage to those who, through their thoughts and actions, dared to bring the idea of Latvia to life.

“Our country’s greatest strength is all around us—it is our people who dedicate themselves to their daily work and represent Latvia worldwide. Together, we shape Latvia’s present and future,” affirmed the Speaker of the Saeima. “As we celebrate the restoration of our country's independence, let us cherish what we have: the freedom of our state, the possibility to openly speak Latvian, unrestricted travel, EU and NATO membership,” said Mieriņa.

The Speaker of the Saeima stressed that 2024 marks 20 years of our membership in the European Union and NATO, and thanked those who have worked with purpose and dedication to strengthen Latvia’s statehood through our membership in these organisations. “We can compare the figures, the economic indicators, the standard of living, and the quality of services back then and now. There can be no question about Latvia’s steady growth,” said the Speaker, while also underlining the challenges of bolstering productivity, digitalisation, and the effective use of artificial intelligence.

“Each of us forms part of Europe! We stand united in freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. Moreover, we advocate for collaboration with all countries that uphold these values, as they are integral for a world of sustainable development and peace,” stated Speaker Mieriņa.

The Speaker of the Saeima highlighted Latvia’s decision to join NATO 20 years ago as one of the most pivotal choices since the restoration of independence. “Membership in the Alliance has facilitated the enhancement of our armed forces and ensured the elevation of our defence capabilities in alignment with global and regional security dynamics,” said the Speaker of the Saeima, highlighting that our country’s defence is primarily our own responsibility.

“We are committed to defending every inch of our territory! Our security hinges not only on our armed forces and armaments but also on comprehensive national defence, and it is the responsibility of every citizen to participate in this system,” said Mieriņa, emphasising the need to strengthen the information space with high quality content.

Regarding Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, the Speaker noted that it is not a regional challenge, but rather a matter of global security and stability, and our response to this aggression must extend beyond bolstering military defences and augmenting Ukraine’s military capabilities.

“We believe in Ukraine’s victory! We will all help to achieve it! I thank the people of Latvia, businesses, non-governmental organisations, and everyone who finds the opportunity to engage and use their efforts, resources, and expertise to aid Ukraine in securing its victory. Through our joint efforts and resisting fatigue, this war can be won!” said Speaker Mieriņa.


Saeima Press Service

Sestdien, 19.oktobrī