Press releases

The photo contest for schoolchildren, My Secure Latvia, held by the Saeima has ended. Ten of its participants have an opportunity to take an unforgettable trip on board a Navy war ship on 23 May.
On Wednesday, 12 May, Mr. during a meeting with Ms. Chantal Poiret, the new Ambassador of France to the Republic of Latvia, Gundars Daudze, Speaker of the Saeima, discussed interpaliamentary relations between the two countries, as well as preparations for the upcoming NATO PA Spring Session. 
Honourable President of the Republic of Latvia,Honourable President of the Republic of Lithuania,Honourable Speaker of the Estonian parliament,Honourable Prime Minister,Dear colleagues, members of the Saeima,Ministers,Excellencies,Ladies and gentlemen,
On Thursday, 29 April, the Saeima appointed Mr. Aivis Ronis the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
During the Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) in Riga, Latvia, several high foreign officials will address the plenary session. 
On Thursday, 22 April, volunteers who have offered their assistance during the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s (PA) Riga Session are invited to attend the first training seminar at the Saeima. 
On Thursday, 22 April, the first training seminar was held in the Saeima for volunteers who have applied to take part in hosting the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s (PA) Riga Session. 
On Tuesday, 20 April, in Bekši (Ozolaine Rural District, Rēzekne County) a pottery kiln was opened, and black pottery mugs were taken out – they are part of the gift box which will be presented to the guests of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) upon their arrival in Latvia at the end of May.
During this year’s Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) in Riga, Latvia, several Latvian officials, politicians, and experts plan to address foreign parliamentarians regarding our country’s vision of global security issues. 
The Spring Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA) will be held from 28 May to 1 June in Riga, Latvia. Media representatives wishing to report on the event will need special accreditation.
Svētdien, 20.oktobrī