On Europe Day, Speaker of the Saeima calls for protection of shared values


“I thank all the people who feel this strength within, who appreciate the opportunity to be citizens of the European Union, and who protect our common home together,” said Daiga Mieriņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Thursday, 9 May, launching the Europe Day Picnic next to the main building of the Saeima. The event was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s accession to the EU.

The EU’s main purpose is peace in Europe, and today, as some countries still launch attacks on other democratic states in our vicinity, we must be more united than ever, underlined Speaker Mieriņa, calling on everyone to keep advocating for a united and secure Europe.

The Speaker urged to reflect on the foundations of Europe’s success and acknowledged both the courageous decisions 20 years ago, both the ongoing support for the EU, as we continue shaping the Europe we share today—a union of democratic, developed states. Highlighting European values, Mieriņa emphasised in particular Europe’s shared cultural treasures—languages, customs, and traditions.

“Closer ties with other European states have vastly broadened the opportunities available for the people of Latvia, who have been brave in seizing these opportunities to create a better life,” expressed Edmunds Cepurītis, Chair of the Saeima European Affairs Committee, noting that Latvia is becoming increasingly active in effecting change within the EU.

To defend EU values—freedom, democracy, and rules-based international order—the Chair of the European Affairs Committee called for active support for peace, both in Ukraine and at home. “This is a chance to engage as part of the EU, which is a staunch advocate for welfare, freedom, and sovereignty; which can create a better and more just Europe through joint efforts,” stressed Cepurītis.

Carl Peeters, Ambassador of Belgium to Latvia, residing in Stockholm, Sweden, also addressed the picnic guests. Belgium is currently holding the presidency of the Council of the EU.

The European Picnic was open to anyone wishing to join the festivities in an informal setting and explore Europe’s vast culinary heritage by sampling national dishes offered by the embassies of Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain, as well as EU candidate states Georgia and Ukraine. In addition, visitors could enjoy the painting exhibition organised by the Embassy of Moldova, another EU candidate.

A special festive cake was baked at a social enterprise in Riga employing talented and passionate people with disabilities. It held a message about Europe—an open and inclusive living space where everyone has equal opportunities for work, creative expression, and contributing to building great things together.

Picnic visitors also actively participated in the quiz game EU and I, where they could test their knowledge about the EU, with prizes awarded to top scorers. The site of the European Picnic was also one of the five checkpoints in the SEE EUROPE orienteering game.

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Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī