14th Saeima convenes for its first sitting on 1 November


On Thursday, 1 November, at 10:00, the 14th Saeima will convene for its first sitting.

Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the 13th Saeima, will open the first sitting of the newly-elected Parliament and chair it until the election of the Speaker of the 14th Saeima. It is planned that the new convocation of the Saeima will be addressed by H.E. Egils Levits, President of the Republic of Latvia.

In its first sitting, the newly-elected Saeima elects tellers, as well as a temporary Mandate, Ethics and Submissions Committee of the Saeima. Its members have a sitting and review election materials and complaints, if any complaints are submitted to the Central Election Commission. The Committee prepares a report for the Saeima on the approval of the mandates of the parliamentarians.

Then the MP candidates elected in the 14th Saeima give a solemn oath: “I, upon assuming the duties of a Member of the Saeima, before the people of Latvia, do swear (solemnly promise) to be loyal to Latvia, to strengthen its sovereignty and the Latvian language as the only official language, to defend Latvia as an independent and democratic state and to fulfil my duties honestly and conscientiously. I undertake to observe the Constitution and laws of Latvia.” Each newly-elected MP confirms the oath with his or her signature.

After the solemn oath, the Saeima votes on the draft decision on the approval of the mandates of the Members of the 14th Saeima.

In its first sitting, the newly-elected Saeima holds an open procedure for the elections of the Saeima Presidium—the Speaker, two Deputy Speakers, Secretary, and Deputy Secretary. This election is held with ballot papers.

In accordance with the Cabinet Structure Law, the Cabinet effectively resigns along with the convening of the newly-elected Saeima; therefore, the sitting is closed with a statement by the government on the expiration of its mandate. The current government will continue fulfilling its duties until the moment the Saeima expresses confidence in the new Cabinet.

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the newly-elected Saeima convenes for its first sitting on the first Tuesday of the month of November when the mandate of the previous Saeima expires.


Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī