The Saeima and the NGO forum on Stability, Partnership, Development to be held on Monday


On Monday, 16 May, the Saeima forum on Stability, Partnership, Development will bring together representatives of the parliament and non-governmental organisations to discuss the strategic development of our state. 

“Now that our state is clearly turning from a stability-oriented policy to a development-oriented policy, it is important to pursue what has been started. Politicians have the duty to offer our society a clear vision of future development after having discussed this vision with the relevant partners and experts representing the non-governmental sector. It is the Saeima and this forum, where high-quality strategic-development-oriented parliamentary debate should take place,” said Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima.

Unlike previous forums, this year’s event will consist of three round-table discussions with a cross-sectoral approach. The first discussion will be devoted to national development planning in conjunction with long-term budget planning and priorities in the area of foreign affairs. The discussion is expected to outline and identify the necessary changes and resources required to achieve prosperity by 2030.

The second discussion will be devoted to demographic trends, including factors such as migration, family policy, social security system, as well as the role and involvement opportunities of the non-governmental sector in shaping these policies. A separate discussion will be held on the role of education and research in sustainable development of our state and particular sectors of the economy. This part of the discussions will focus on finding answers to the following questions: What is the place of Latvia’s education system in the world and how can scientific achievments be successfully applied in Latvia’s business sector?

The discussions will be moderated by chairpersons of the Saeima committees in collaboration with representatives of the non-governmental sector. Each theme will feature experts’ reports followed by discussions.

It is planned that the Saeima and NGO forum will be opened on 16 May at 9:30 a.m. by Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima; Rasma Pīpiķe, Director of the Civic Alliance – Latvia; Andris Gobiņš, President of the European Movement – Latvia; and Ivars Ījabs, associate professor at the University of Latvia.

For additional information about the forum’s agenda, the schedule of the Saeima’s committee meetings with NGO partners and registering for the event, please visit the Saeima website at

In 2006, the Saeima adopted a declaration which sets forth the principles for cooperation between the Saeima and non-governmental organisations, as well as tasks to be implemented for improving this cooperation. Since then, the forum has been held annually, and this will be the fifth forum of the Saeima and non-governmental organisations.


Saeimas Preses dienests

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī