Baltic Assembly medals will be awarded


On Thursday, 21 October, the official ceremony for awarding commemorative medals of the Baltic Assembly (BA) will take place as part of the 29th Session of the Baltic Assembly. 

The BA medal will be awarded to Carl Bildt, the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bart Tommelein, President of the Benelux Parliament, and Edward Lucas, international editor of The Economist magazine and correspondent for Central and Eastern Europe, for their outstanding services in strengthening the unity and supporting the cooperation of the Baltic States. 

The Baltic Assembly medals will also be awarded to Vladas Vilimas, Gytis Vaškelis, Zigmantas Balčytis, members of the Lithuanian parliament (Seimas), and to members of the Estonian parliament (Riigikogu) – Peep Aru, Mart Jüssi and Helle Kalda. 

The BA medals will be awarded to the following members of the 9th Saeima: Māris Ārbergs, Ivans Klementjevs, Sergejs Mirskis, Ingmārs Līdaka, Artis Pabriks, Pauls Putniņš, Ivans Ribakovs and Staņislavs Šķesters. 

The BA medal will also be awarded to Boriss Rezņiks, a Latvian composer and author of the song „Atmostas Baltija” (“Wake Up, Baltic Countries”), and to Peep Mühls, an Estonian scientist and Chairman of Executive Board of the Estonian Cooperation Assembly.

The BA medal awarding ceremony will take place on Thursday, 21 October, in the White Room of the Saeima building, at Jēkaba iela 11, at 20:00.

The medal of the Baltic Assembly is an award granted to members of the Assembly, as well as other persons, for their outstanding services in the field of strengthening the unity and supporting the cooperation of the Baltic States. The medal is awarded by the Presidium of the BA on the basis of a nomination by each national delegation of the Baltic States. 

The Baltic Assembly is an interparliamentary cooperation organisation of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania established for coordinating the Baltic States' cooperation on the parliamentary level, discussing issues and projects of mutual interest and expressing a common position on political, economic, social and cultural issues on the EU and international level. The Baltic Assembly consists of national delegations – 12 to 20 members from each country’s parliament. 

Press Service
of the Public Relations Department
of the Parliament of Latvia
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Svētdien, 20.oktobrī