Presidium of the 12th Saeima is elected


On Tuesday, 4 November, the new convocation of the Saeima elected its Presidium. 

By an open ballot, Ināra Mūrniece from the National Alliance of All for Latvia! and For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK was elected as the Speaker of the Saeima. Sixty-eight MPs voted for her candidacy, and 30 MPs voted against.
Gundars Daudze representing the Union of Greens and Farmers was elected as the Deputy Speaker with 92 votes for and 6 votes against. 

With 87 votes for and 9 votes against, Inese Lībiņa-Egnere from the Unity Party was elected as the second Deputy Speaker. 
Andrejs Klementjevs from the Social Democratic Party Concord was elected as the Secretary with 73 MPs voting for his candidacy and 24 MPs against it. 

The Deputy Secretary will be Gunārs Kūtris representing For Latvia from the Heart party, as 69 votes were cast in his favour and 26 votes against.
Altogether, the Social Democratic Party Concord will be represented in the new convocation of the Saeima by 24 MPs; the Unity Party by 23 MPs; the Union of Greens and Farmers by 21 MPs; the National Alliance of All for Latvia! and

For Fatherland and Freedom/LNNK by 17 MPs; the Latvian Regional Alliance by 8 MPs, and For Latvia from the Heart party by 7 MPs.

The Presidium of the Saeima consists of the Speaker, two Deputy Speakers, the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary. During the absence of the Speaker, upon mutual agreement, his/her duties are fulfilled by one of the Deputy Speakers.

The Presidium determines the internal rules and work procedures of the Saeima, gives its opinions regarding documents submitted to it and forwards them as prescribed by the Rules of Procedure of the Saeima; it also prepares the agenda of plenary sittings, meets with foreign officials, as well as fulfils other functions.

Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī