Saeima supports introducing the position of deputy minister


On Thursday, 1 December, the Saeima adopted in the second and final reading urgent amendments to the State Administration Structure Law, establishing the position of a deputy minister.

The amendments aim to improve the efficiency of the governmental work in managing specific policy areas. A Deputy Minister will have to be familiar with specific sectors and policy areas that fall within the competence of a Minister. A Deputy Minister will participate in Cabinet meetings in the advisory capacity.

As the authors of the Draft Law state in its explanatory note, the structure of government in a modern European parliamentary democracy needs to be flexible, adapting to current needs and government’s priorities. They also stress that public administration principles require the development and modernisation of the institutional framework for public governance.

Within the stipulated competences, a Deputy Minister will be able­, upon coordinating with the relevant Minister, to perform their duties by giving orders to a State Secretary or other public administration officials, assigning tasks to a head of an institution subordinated to the Minister, and fulfilling other functions laid down in laws and regulations.

The tenure of a Deputy Minister will be set to a period not exceeding the term of office of the relevant Minister.

The Cabinet of Ministers will, by 1 October of the following year, draft and submit to the Saeima amendments to other relevant laws to ensure the functioning of the position of a Deputy Minister. Until then, the Prime Minister will appoint and dismiss Deputy Ministers as advised by the relevant Minister.

The amendments will enter into force on the day following their promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Sestdien, 19.oktobrī