Speaker Mūrniece in South Korea: Our countries share similar values


"Although geographically our countries stand far apart, Latvia is located on the side of the European Union that is the closest to the Republic of Korea. We are close in our spirit, for the 20th century brought painful experiences both upon Latvia and South Korea. Today, we stand as like-minded countries that respect democracy, law-based international order and human rights,” said Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of the Saeima, during her meeting with Moon Hee-sang, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, in Seoul as a part of an official visit to South Korea.

We look forward to strengthening parliamentary ties with South Korea, including at the parliamentary committee level, said Mūrniece. The Memorandum of Understanding, signed last year between the Saeima and the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea during the official visit of Moon Hee-sang to Latvia, also demonstrates the readiness to establish even closer contacts.

Latvia highly appreciates the free trade agreement between the European Union and South Korea, which has already been in effect for eight years. As a result of the agreement, our bilateral trade turnover has doubled, providing both sides with economic benefits, said Mūrniece. Speaker Mūrniece urged to fast-track the certification of Latvian food products in South Korea by granting export certificates to Latvian dairy and egg products.

During the meeting, Mūrniece also discussed current affairs in the Korean Peninsula, expressing support for a peaceful and diplomatic resolution. North Korea must relinquish its nuclear programme and adhere to international commitments in order to ensure long-term peace within the region, said Mūrniece.

During a visit of the Saeima delegation to the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Speaker Mūrniece expressed her appreciation for South Koreans’ interest in Baltic studies and the Latvian language. Latvia is interested in accepting more students and researchers from South Korea, and Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 programmes provide such an opportunity.

Until 12 January, the Speaker of the Saeima is on an official visit to the Republic of Korea. Speaker Mūrniece is accompanied by Rihards Kols, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Gatis Eglītis, Deputy Chair of the European Affairs Committee and member of the Group for promoting cooperation with the Parliament of the Republic of Korea; and Jānis Vucāns, Head of the Latvian Delegation to the Baltic Assembly.


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Saeima Press Service

Pirmdien, 21.oktobrī