Longer intervals for state technical inspections and stricter regulation of electric scooters introduced


On Thursday, 22 June, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments providing that new vehicles will have to undergo state technical inspection within three years of registration.

The second technical inspection shall be performed no later than 24 months after the first one, while the third and fourth inspections shall be done once every two years. After that inspections shall be performed every year. The amendments also stipulate that state technical inspection for trailers with a gross weight not exceeding 3,500 kilograms shall be performed once every two years. This technical inspection schedule will come into force as of 1 January 2025.

The amendments also envision starting work on drafting regulations that would allow technical inspection of vehicles to be done at repair shops accredited by the Road Traffic Safety Directorate.

Furthermore, the amendments stipulate that electric scooters may only be operated by individuals holding a driver’s licence for bicycles or any other category of vehicle. The electronic service provider offering the possibility to use shared electric scooters via a mobile application or webpage shall be obliged to verify the identity and age of the service user.

The amendments also introduce higher administrative fines for various violations of road traffic regulations by electric scooter drivers and cyclists, for example, regarding use of smart devices during vehicle operation without using a hands-free system. The monetary fines for ignoring traffic lights and required distances, as well as for operating an electric scooter under the influence of alcohol have been increased.

Henceforth, electric scooters and pedicabs shall be registered and a state registration label shall be attached to the vehicle. Registration shall be compulsory as of 1 January next year, while vehicles already in service will have to be registered by 31 March 2024.

Municipalities have the right to establish rules on vehicle (electric scooter, bicycle) sharing, speed limits and parking prohibitions. Municipal police may also control the use of electric scooters.

The amendments also stipulate that TR1 category tractors may be operated with a category B driver’s licence, while a category C or higher licence will allow the holder to operate a TR2 category vehicle. The State Technical Supervision Agency has the right to stop tractors in order to verify the technical condition of the tractor and any trailer it may have.


Saeima Press Service

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