Saeima approves State Defence Concept


On Thursday, 10 May, the Saeima unanimously approved a concept of national defence that focuses on a radical paradigm shift whereby Latvia is transformed from a security consumer into a security provider within NATO.

The new State Defence Concept sets an indicative target for the defence budget of 2% of GDP to be achieved by 2020 as required by NATO. Prerequisites for such an increase in financing are economic growth and efficient absorption of funds aimed at the development and modernisation of the National Armed Forces.

For the first time, the document sets several efficiency targets for the National Armed Forces. For example, it states that the administration of the Armed Forces should not exceed 10% of total personnel of the Armed Forces and that at least 20% of funds should be allocated for development projects.

The guidelines of the Concept also set development priorities of the National Armed Forces such as increasing land combat power and regional integration with the armed forces of the other Baltic States. Moreover, for the first time, the Defence Concept stipulates that in contributing to collective defence efforts, Latvia will focus on specific priorities, such as the strengthening of NATO’s rapid response forces, military capacity and deterrence potential, as well as its presence in the Baltic region.

According to the National Security Law, each convocation of the Saeima has to approve a new state defence concept by 1 October of the second year of its term of office.

Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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