Saeima adopts statement expressing firm support for the State of Israel


On Thursday, 12 October, in response to the large-scale coordinated attack on Israel by the terrorist organisation Hamas, the Saeima adopted a statement on support for the State of Israel.

In the Statement, MPs express their unwavering and firm support for the State of Israel and solidarity with Israel, underlining its right and duty to defend itself against such violent large-scale attacks in accordance with international law.

Members of the Saeima unequivocally condemn the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas against the State of Israel and its people and insist that Hamas immediately cease attacking civilians and targeting civil infrastructure and release all hostages.

The Saeima calls on the European Union to respond immediately and firmly to this violation of international law, condemning the crimes of Hamas and other terrorist organisations, and to prevent any financial support from reaching these organisations.

In addition, the Statement expresses concern about the potential involvement of other countries in the region, such as Iran, and their support for Hamas in planning and carrying out the attack. MPs remind that Iran is performing destabilising actions in the Middle East and the vicinity and has been financing Hamas for a long time. Members of the Saeima call on the European Commission to include Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and its branches in the EU terrorist list, so that sanctions would be imposed on all persons involved in the Iranian regime’s support for terrorism in the Middle East and elsewhere.

The Statement reiterates the crucial importance of achieving lasting and sustainable peace in the Middle East. This calls for more active contributions to the Middle East Peace Process, to be implemented by negotiations, moving towards the intended two-state solution in accordance with the United Nations resolutions, international law, and previously concluded agreements.

In case the security and humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate, all parties must honour their commitments in accordance with international law, underlines the Statement. MPs call on the international community to express support for Israel, condemn the actions of terrorists, and be consistent in demanding adherence to international law.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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