Moscow House sales revenues earmarked to support Ukraine


On Thursday, 30 May,  the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on the Handling of Real Estate to Prevent Threats to National Security and amendments to the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians in order to allow the state to transfer the acquired money to Ukraine after the sale of the Moscow House. 

The changes provide that after the sale of the Moscow House, the State Real Estate will transfer the acquired funds to the state budget, from which  they will be transferred for the general support to the Ukrainian society.

In order to ensure the security of Latvia, including the prevention and timely prevention of threats to a democratic state, in January this year, the Saeima adopted a law on the takeover of the so-called Moscow House in Riga. The government transferred the building to the Ministry of Finance so that the State Real Estate could then sell it at an auction.

Likewise, the Saeima supported other amendments to the Law on Assistance to Ukrainian Civilians, stipulating that  Latvia will be able to transfer the fines collected from the assets, if they are located in Ukraine, to the Ukrainian government for general support to its society. According to the amendments, such decisions will be taken by the Cabinet of Ministers in each particular case. The amendments allow for the donation to Ukraine of a fine of EUR 839 986 to be collected from AS PrivatBank.

It is planned that the changes will come into force the day after their promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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