The Saeima: Municipal police to be set up in all local governments from the next year


On Thursday, December 14, the Saeima amendments to the law “On Police”, according to which as of 1 January 2024 the municipal police will have to be operational in all local governments. The amendments specify the form of establishment of the municipal police, as the obligation to establish it is already laid down in the Local Government Law.

The amendments to the law stipulate that the local governments will have three options to set up and finance the municipal police. Namely, they will be able to establish their own municipal police or establish a joint police service with other local governments, or delegate all the tasks of the municipal police to another local government.

According to the explanatory note to the amendments, when delegating municipal police tasks to another local government, the delegating local government will retain full responsibility for the implementation of the entrusted tasks and will have to ensure effective supervision thereof.

Previously, the law provided that setting up their own municipal police was optional for local governments in their efforts to ensure public order.

Currently, out of seven local governments that previously did not have a municipal police, it has already been set up in Madona. In turn, the neighbouring Varakļāni will conclude an agreement with Madona municipality on the performance of the functions of the municipal police, as provided for in the amendments. However, in Rēzekne district and Rēzekne city, the process of approving the candidates for the post of the head of the municipal police is taking place. Likewise, by the end of this year, the Ventspils district plans to set up a municipal police, and Augšdaugava and Līvāni districts - to announce competition for the post of the head of the municipal police, according to information from the Ministry of the Interior.

The amendments to the law also provide for the right of a local government to delegate certain of its police tasks to another local government, for example, in emergency situations, in order to receive the necessary support from another local government.

The authors of the draft law have indicated that the establishment of the municipal police will create new jobs, as well as relieve the work of the State Police, which will no longer have to control the implementation of the binding regulations of the local government.


Saeima Press Service

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