Saeima decides to extend participation of Latvian troops in NATO mission in Kosovo


On Thursday, 7 September, the Saeima decided to extend the participation of the Latvian National Armed Forces troops in the NATO international operation in Kosovo until 31 December 2025.

NATO’s international operation in Kosovo was launched in 1999 following a protracted inter-ethnic conflict and violence in the Balkans. Although the overall political, economic, ethnic and security situation in Kosovo has improved significantly compared to 1999, it remains volatile and fragile, especially in light of the serious political tensions with Serbia. As stated in the explanatory note to the draft resolution, this makes it difficult for Kosovo to integrate into the European Union and other international organisations.

In order to promote the internal and external security of the European Union, as well as its meaningful enlargement and integration, it is important to continue Latvia’s participation in the international operation, according to the explanatory note to the draft resolution.

NATO’s international operation in Kosovo currently hosts troops from 20 NATO member states and seven of its partner countries. Currently Latvian troops serve in a light infantry company within the United States-led multinational battalion.  The main tasks of the Latvian contingent include patrolling, defending friendly forces and maintaining their combat capabilities (self-training), and performing the tasks of the rapid response force.


Saeima Press Service

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