Saeima suspends three bilateral agreements between Latvia and Belarus


On Thursday, 15 September, the Saeima decided in its second and final reading to suspend three bilateral agreements between the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Belarus.

"On 24 February this year, Russia launched a war of aggression with a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and the Russian armed forces also launched an attack from the territory of Belarus", said Rihards Kols, Chair of the Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee, which is responsible for the advancement of the relevant draft laws in the Saeima. "Taking into account the fact that Belarus is in flagrant violation of the general imperative norms of international law, the Foreign Affairs Committee has already stated that it considers it necessary to take measures recognised by international law aimed at putting an end to these violations and seeking full reparation for the violations already committed", the Committee Chair stressed.

"Latvia has fulfilled in good faith all its mutual obligations under these treaties, as well as its international obligations, and remains committed to acting in accordance with the requirements of international law", said Rihards Kols.

The Latvian—Belarusian agreement on the facilitation of mutual travel for the inhabitants of border areas, the agreement on mutual assistance in customs matters, and the agreement on air traffic will be suspended as of 10 October 2022. The agreements will remain suspended until the Republic of Belarus puts an end to its violations of international law vis-à-vis Ukraine and fully compensates Ukraine for the violations of international law already committed.

The amendments will enter into force on the day following their promulgation.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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