Saeima to freeze MP salaries until the end of current term


On Thursday, 14 November, the Saeima decided to freeze MP salaries at the amount set for 2019, which means that the MPs’ remuneration will not increase next year. The Saeima adopted the amendments to the Law on Remuneration of Officials and Employees of State and Local Government Authorities in its extraordinary sitting dedicated to the package of draft laws accompanying the budget for 2020. 

Until now the remuneration of MPs and other officials was adjusted annually, based on changes in the national average salary.

According to the adopted amendments, from 1 January 2020 until the end of the term of the 13th convocation of the Saeima, MP salaries will be pegged to the national average salary published by the Central Statistical Bureau in 2017, namely, 926 EUR. The MP salary is calculated by applying the coefficient of 3.2 to the national average salary.

The salary freeze will only apply to MPs, excluding other officials whose salary, according to the law, is automatically adjusted proportionally to changes in the national average salary each year. Namely, the amendments will not affect ministers, parliamentary secretaries, members of local government councils, as well as other officials elected, approved or appointed by the Saeima.

According to the amendments, the salary freeze will apply not only to the MPs’ basic salary, but also supplementary remuneration for additional work, e.g., committee or parliamentary group leadership.

The amendments will come into effect on 1 January 2020.


Saeima Press Service

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