European Affairs Committee adopts national position on asylum seekers


On Friday, 18 September, following an extended and strenuous debate, the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima adopted the national position on the granting of sanctuary to asylum seekers, thus demonstrating constructive involvement and spirit of solidarity in contributing to the resolution of the state of emergency in Europe, said Lolita Čigāne, Chairperson of the Committee.

“I am truly gratified that in the end we ensured that our MPs exercise their essential rights of democratic control, namely, to discuss, modify and affirm national positions, thus providing substantial contribution in defining the national position,” Čigāne emphasised.

Several MPs expressed their concerns about the impact of the plan to accept the asylum seekers on the state budget, as well as about the potential threats to national security.

The European Affairs Committee made several editorial changes and amendments to the position adopted by the government without modifying its basic principles. The position supports admission of additional 526 asylum seekers in Latvia. 

The EU Justice and Home Affairs Council will convene on 22 September to decide on accepting additional 120 000 asylum seekers in the EU. Altogether, Latvia would accept 776 asylum seekers in its territory. 


Saeima Press Service




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