Autumn session of the Saeima to commence on 4 September


On 4 September the Saeima will commence its autumn session of 2012, which entails convening regular plenary sittings, elaborating draft laws and scrutinising the work of the government. 

Currently there are 150 draft laws under consideration by the parliament, including several drafts of new laws. For instance, the new Construction Law, which will improve the public consultation and builders’ certification procedures, as well as the Election Campaign Law, which will introduce a uniform regulation of the election campaigning and supervision thereof, thus bringing provisions of several laws under a single legislative act. The parliament is also working on new provisions regarding an out-of-court debt recovery procedure that will require licensing of debt recovery service providers and protection of natural persons from aggressive debt recovery practices. 

Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, pointed out that in the beginning of this session the parliament, among other urgent issues, will focus on amendments to the state budget for 2012.  Equally difficult decisions will have to be made regarding the budget for 2013. “Last year Latvia’s economy grew faster than expected and reached 5.5 percent. Besides, in the first quarter of this year, its GDP growth was the highest in the European Union. On the one hand, it gives grounds for optimism in the future. On the other hand, the situation is not improving rapidly enough to warrant excessive optimism and to discontinue the cautious approach we have been practicing in recent years,” said the Speaker. 

Solvita Āboltiņa indicates that another highlight of this autumn session will be the work on amendments to the Citizenship Law, something that is eagerly anticipated by the Latvian expatriate communities. The amendments will provide for dual citizenship and will solve numerous other problems that have become pressing since the last amendments introduced in 1998. 

The Speaker also highlighted the important task of debating and adopting the National Development Plan, as well as draft laws aimed at strengthening the rule of law and streamlining the work of the judiciary. 

As a part of the open parliament policy, the work on community engagement will be continued throughout the autumn session; for instance, on 28 September the Saeima will hold the traditional Open Door Day. This year the event will consist not only of guided tours of the main building of the Saeima and a quiz on the parliament, but also an exchange of ideas facilitated by the web-based platforms and on efficient monitoring of the MPs’ work and participation in the legislative process.

The Saeima will continue to provide a platform for discussions on strategic development of Latvia, said Āboltiņa. It is also planned to congratulate the members of the Latvian Olympic Team early in the autumn session, as well as to launch the programme “Meet the Saeima”, as a part of which the Saeima staff members will visit schools and provide schoolchildren with opportunities to learn more about the legislative work in a parliamentary democracy.

The Rules of Procedure of the Saeima provide for both regular and extraordinary sessions. In the course of one year, there are three regular sessions of the Saeima – autumn, winter and spring sessions. The sessions are convened by the Presidium. The Saeima decides on opening and closing dates of the regular sessions. In 2012 the spring session was closed on 21 June. 


Saeima Press Service

Otrdien, 3.decembrī
08:45  Saeimas priekšsēdētājas V.E. Daigas Mieriņas tikšanās ar Lietuvas Republikas parlamenta priekšsēdētāju V.E. Saulius Skvernelis
09:00  Parlamentārā izmeklēšanas komisija par "Rail Baltica" projekta parlamentārās kontroles nodrošināšanu, lai apzinātu projekta īstenošanā pieļautās kļūdas un panāktu, ka tas kļūst par prioritāru valdības jautājumu un lēmumi tiek pieņemti pārskatāmi, laikus un ievērojot Latvijas valsts un visas sabiedrības intereses, ietekmi uz Latvijas tautsaimniecību un valsts budžetu sēde
09:35  Saeimas priekšsēdētājas V.E. Daigas Mieriņas un Lietuvas Republikas parlamenta priekšsēdētāja V.E. Saulius Skvernelis preses brīfings
10:00  Juridiskās komisijas sēde
10:00  Izglītības, kultūras un zinātnes komisijas sēde
10:00  Aizsardzības, iekšlietu un korupcijas novēršanas komisijas sēde
10:00  Valsts pārvaldes un pašvaldības komisijas sēde
10:00  Sociālo un darba lietu komisijas sēde
11:00  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas sēde
11:15  Ziedu nolikšanas ceremonija pie Brīvības pieminekļa par godu Lietuvas Republikas parlamenta priekšsēdētāja V.E. Saulius Skvernelis oficiālajai vizītei Latvijas Republikā
12:00  Saeimas Sieviešu interešu aizstāvības parlamentārās interešu grupas vadītājas Ingrīdas Circenes un grupas deputātu tikšanās ar Izraēlas Valsts ārkārtējo un pilnvaroto vēstnieci Latvijas Republikā V.E. Sandra Simovich un sieviešu tiesību aizstāvi, juristi Ayelet Razin Bet Or
12:00  Mandātu, ētikas un iesniegumu komisijas sēde
13:30  Tautsaimniecības, agrārās, vides un reģionālās politikas komisijas Vides, klimata un enerģētikas apakškomisijas sēde
16:00  Saeimas Ārlietu komisijas priekšsēdētājas Ināras Mūrnieces, Saeimas Aizsardzības, iekšlietu un korupcijas novēršanas komisijas priekšsēdētāja Raimonda Bergmaņa, Saeimas Mandātu, ētikas un iesniegumu komisijas priekšsēdētāja Jāņa Vucāna un Saeimas Nacionālās drošības komisijas priekšsēdētāja Ainara Latkovska tikšanās ar Japānas ārkārtējo un pilnvaroto vēstnieku Latvijas Republikā V.E. Kensuke Yoshida