Reform introduces new prison system and better resocialisation of sentenced persons


To reform the prison system and improve the resocialisation of prisoners, on Thursday, 20 June, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to Latvia’s Sentence Execution Code.

The changes provide for the transition to two types of prisons: closed and open. Currently, Latvia has closed, semi-closed, and open prisons, as well as juvenile correctional institutions. The reform concerns prisons where adults serve their sentences. According to the authors of the draft law at the Ministry of Justice, the reform will speed up the enforcement of sentences and change the criteria for the placement of sentenced persons so that they can access a sentence serving regime allowing for more active resocialisation in a shorter term.

For example, by complying with and fulfilling the established criteria, the sentenced person will have quicker access to placement in an open prison with more possibilities, such as gainful employment or studying outside the prison. In addition, the new system will benefit all persons already serving their sentences, said the Ministry of Justice representatives.

The reform intends to improve the resocialisation of sentenced persons, including through broader social rehabilitation measures. There are also a number of additions to the rights and obligations of sentenced persons, such as rules of conduct inside and outside the prison, and access to documents.

The amendments also establish an inter-institutional model, whose functioning will be ensured by the State Probation Service, the Prison Administration, and the State Police with the aim of implementing control measures and activities to reduce the risk of the sentenced person commiting another crime. This will apply in particular to persons convicted of a serious or an especially serious offence related to violence, an offence against morality and sexual inviolability, and to convicted minors and persons exhibiting signs of radicalisation.

Local governments and other necessary specialists will also be able to participate in these efforts, and such cooperation will promote public security in the respective local government, preventing the offender from providing different information to each institution.

The Ministry of Justice previously noted that there are currently around 2500 convicted persons serving their sentences in prisons.

Changes in the Sentence Execution Code will enter into force on 1 September.


Saeima Press Service

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