Saeima approves participation of Latvian troops in UN international peacekeeping operation in Lebanon


On Thursday, 20 April, the Saeima discussed the participation of troops of the National Armed Forces of Latvia in the United Nations international peacekeeping operation in Lebanon for the term specified in the resolution of the UN Security Council.

As per the annotation of the draft decision, the mandate of the operation provides for the monitoring and confirmation of the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the southern territories of Lebanon, restoring international peace and security, as well as assisting the Lebanese government in restoring effective authority in the area.

The annotation of the draft decision states that it is planned that initially the National Armed Forces will participate in the operation by providing three field officers. Later on participation is planned to be expanded to one platoon consisting of about 30 soldiers.

For the time being, participation in the peacekeeping operation is planned until 31 August 2023, however, in the event that the UN Security Council decides to extend the mandate of the operation, the participation of the National Armed Forces will also be prolonged. Such a link has been established in order to ensure the continuity of participation and effective implementation of the operational objectives, the annotation states.

Saeima decisions come into effect at the time of their adoption.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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