Āboltiņa at NB8 meeting: It is important to strengthen EU Eastern neighbours’ sense of belonging to Western policies and values


It is important to strengthen the sense of belonging to Western policies and values among the Eastern neighbours of the European Union; therefore, an active dialogue with countries across the Eastern border of the EU should be continued, stated Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, on Friday, 16 August, when addressing Nordic and Baltic colleagues at the annual meeting of the parliamentary speakers of the Nordic Countries and Baltic States (NB8).   

The Speaker of the Saeima stressed that the Eastern Partnership will be one of the priorities also during Latvia’s presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2015, when it is planned to hold the next Eastern Partnership Summit. Latvia supports concluding the Association Agreement negotiations with Moldova, Georgia and Armenia, and commencing to initial these Agreements during the Summit in Vilnius. Solvita Āboltiņa highlighted that the progress achieved in implementing the Association Agreements might be one of the central issues to be discussed in the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga.   

The Speaker of the Latvian parliament expressed her gratification that developments of the Eastern Partnership are included in this year’s agenda of the NB8 meeting. “Building relationship with the EU’s Eastern neighbours is crucial, since it is in our interests to have predictable and prosperous neighbours who respect democratic values. Therefore, Latvia holds the opinion that EU countries should devote constant political attention to the issue of the Eastern Partnership,” said Solvita Āboltiņa in her address.

The fact that the situation in several former Soviet republics remains problematic and unacceptable serves as a good indicator that building relationship with Eastern neighbours calls for more attention, stressed the Speaker of the Saeima. “We see politically-driven lawsuits, lack of democracy and transparency, serious violations of media freedom. We have to be critical, but at the same time, we cannot afford to turn our backs on our neighbours because otherwise they will be left with only one possibility, namely, to drift away from Europe and Western values into the sphere of influence or even captivity of another regional player”.  

The Speaker of the Saeima acknowledged that for us it is a moral and historic obligation to assist those nations that are also fighting for freedom, democracy and prosperity as Latvia did after the Soviet era. For that very reason, the Eastern Partnership is considered to be among priorities of Latvia’s foreign policy.

Solvita Āboltiņa invited her colleagues to consider organising a joint visit to Moldova, thus demonstrating a commitment to strengthen the sense of belonging to Western values among the Eastern neighbours. The Speaker of the Saeima noted that the former Speaker of the Moldavian parliament approved of this initiative, and the visit would supplement the activities of this year’s Eastern Partnership Summit to be organised by the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in November of this year.

From 14 to 17 August Solvita Āboltiņa is paying a working visit to Denmark, where she takes part in discussions on topicalities of the region with colleagues from Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland at the annual NB8 meeting.  

This year’s agenda of the NB8 meeting includes topics such as cooperation in defence between the Nordic Countries and the Baltic States, EU’s Eastern Partnership, accessibility and openness of parliaments, as well as the European economic and financial crisis.

Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī