On the 90th anniversary of the Parliament and the Constitution, Āboltiņa refers to the Constitution as an important and integral part of our legal culture


On Wednesday, 7 November, Solvita Āboltiņa, Speaker of the Saeima, opened the conference on “Parliamentarism in Latvia: Lessons from History and Future prospects” by stating that the Constitution of Latvia is an important and integral part of our legal culture; it has provided a stable legal foundation for a democratic parliamentary republic, and it still is the cornerstone of successful functioning of our state.

On this date 90 years ago, the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (adopted on 15 February 1922) was enacted, and the first Saeima convened for its first sitting.

The Speaker of the Saeima emphasised that the Constitution has always envisaged Latvia as a parliamentary republic and that this form of governance gives an opportunity to take into consideration the widest possible range of different opinions.

“Diversity of opinions is a treasure that has been underestimated in our society. We still have to learn how to take advantage of it. Instead of suppressing it, we should make it more constructive and productive, but we still have to learn how to do that. It takes time to realise that diversity is benefit rather than a shortcoming in a democratic society in which each individual is a building block,” said Āboltiņa.

In her address, Āboltiņa pointed out that today, it is important to bear in mind that it is our duty to preserve and maintain what we have inherited amid heated discussions about the fundamental values enshrined in the Constitution and about the need to strengthen it. “It is our responsibility to strengthen and develop the state of Latvia so that we can leave the best possible legacy to our children and grandchildren,” said Āboltiņa.

Looking back at the events that took place 90 years ago, the Speaker of the Saeima noted that it was on this historic date that the hopes and aspirations cherished for nearly three years by the fathers of the Constitution finally materialised. “Jānis Čakste, President of the Constitutional Assembly, opened the first sitting of the Saeima with the following words: “We hope and we are convinced that this newly adopted Constitution will irreversibly establish the rule of law and justice in Latvia, as well as bring prosperity and order to our people. May the new Constitution bring happiness and strength to Latvia!” This solemn wish embodies the ultimate goal of our people and our state. Even today these words are equally true and powerful,” said Āboltiņa.

On this important anniversary, the conference gathered local and foreign experts who expressed their viewpoints on the development of parliamentarism in Latvia over the past 90 years.

The conference was broadcast live on the Saeima website www.saeima.lv.

Photos from the ceremonial events are available at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/sets/72157631952796456/
When using the material, please give credit to the Saeima Chancellery.


Saeima Press Service

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