Saeima supports opening EU accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova


On Thursday, 23 November, the Saeima adopted a statement on support for the opening of European Union accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

”Latvia holds a unique responsibility of reminding our European Union partners about the vital importance of enhancing support for societies that stand up for freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and human rights. Despite Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing hybrid warfare in Moldova, both of these countries have made tremendous efforts to move even closer to the European Union in terms of values and public governance. The Saeima’s statement will strongly reinforce this message to other Member States,” remarked Edmunds Cepurītis, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima.

In the statement, MPs urge other EU Member States to support the European Commission’s recommendations and to approve the opening of accession negotiations by the end of 2023. MPs also call on the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to promptly prepare and approve a framework for negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

Meanwhile, both candidate countries are urged to pursue the necessary reforms that will make these states more compliant with the shared values of the European Union, enable their closer integration into the European Union, and contribute to greater stability, security, and prosperity in the region.

The statement of the Saeima confirms that Latvia stands ready to provide Ukraine and Moldova with the support necessary to implement reforms on their path towards full membership of the European Union.


Saeima Press Service

Trešdien, 18.septembrī
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