The Saeima improves Law on deployment and participation of the National Armed Forces of Latvia in international operations


On Thursday, 11 February, the Saeima adopted in the final reading amendments to the Law on Participation of the National Armed Forces of Latvia in International Operations to modernise and specify the regulation on the participation of the Latvian armed forces in military operations and activities.

The authors of the Draft Law - the Defence, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention Committee of the Saeima – state in the explanatory note that the previous Law was adopted in 1995 while facing a different global geopolitical situation, when the participation of the National Armed Forces (NAF) was mainly intended for peacekeeping operations in the Balkan Peninsula.

“The previous Law could no longer cover all of our modern operations and military activities and, as a result, did not always allow for speedy fulfilment of the international obligations of Latvia within NATO, the European Union, and other formats,” said Rihards Kols, Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, which is responsible for advancing the Draft Law.

The amendments also include more clear peacekeeping and peacemaking definitions that focus on the aim of the operation instead of a geographical location, as conflict zones are not always contained within the territory of a specific country. According to the explanatory note to the Draft Law, this will provide a more flexible decision-making mechanism for participation in international operations.

The amendments also stipulate that, instead of listing specific justifications for international operations, such as resolutions, recommendations or pleas, a general reference will be made to the commitment to follow the United Nations (UN) Charter and international obligations, to ensure the participation of the NAF contingent in international operations in accordance with international agreements binding on Latvia, as well as to maintain accountability for breaches of international obligations.

The amendments also clarify the authority of the NAF contingent, stating that it participates in international operations respecting the UN Charter in accordance with international agreements binding on the Republic of Latvia and the Latvian law, and by a decision of the Saeima, the Cabinet of Ministers, or, under special conditions provided for in the Law, the Defence minister.

In addition, the NAF contingent may be withdrawn without special preconditions by a decision of the Saeima or the Cabinet of Ministers. The Law currently stipulates that the contingent may be withdrawn if special regulations are violated, or when it is necessary to secure the national interests of Latvia.


Saeima Press Service

Svētdien, 20.oktobrī