Press releases

On Friday, 12 November, the Saeima approved Atis Lejiņš as the Head of the Latvian delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).
Saeima adopts the Law on Construction of the External Land Border Infrastructure
On Friday, 12 November, the Saeima adopted in the second and final reading the Law on Construction of the External Land Border Infrastructure, developed to ensure swift and effective construction of infrastructure needed to protect the external land border.
MPs of several European countries condemn Lukashenko regime’s hybrid attacks at the eastern borders of the EU
On Friday, 12 November, the Chairs of the Foreign Affairs Committees and European Affairs Committees of several European countries sent a joint letter to the leaders of EU and NATO institutions, strongly condemning the ongoing hybrid attacks by the Lukashenko regime at the eastern borders of the EU and NATO.
On Thursday, 11 November, the Saeima adopted in the second and final reading the draft law ratifying the Optional Protocol to the United Nations (UN) Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.
Obtaining and possessing falsified COVID-19 certificates can become subject to criminal liability
On Thursday, 11 November, the Saeima adopted in the second and final reading urgent amendments, stipulating criminal liability for obtaining or possessing falsified interoperable COVID-19 vaccination, testing, or recovery certificates.
Saeima adopts amendments to the Hunting Law
On 11 November, the Saeima supported in the final reading amendments to the Hunting Law that stipulate the minimal area requirement for the registration of hunting districts.
On Wednesday, 10 November, the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima supported the national position prepared by the Ministry of Transport in response to the proposal by the European Commission to revise the Radio Equipment Directive and establish a common standard for all smartphones, tablets, cameras, headphones, portable speakers, and handheld videogame consoles.
Vita Anda Tērauda discusses the current situation on the Belarusian border with Chairs of European Affairs Committees of Baltic and Polish Parliaments
On Wednesday, 10 November, Vita Anda Tērauda, Chair of the European Affairs Committee of the Saeima, took part in a remote meeting with the heads of the European Affairs Committees of the Parliaments of Estonia, Lithuania, and Poland and discussed the current situation on the border with Belarus.
Jānis Vucāns in Vilnius: investments in technology and innovation important for strengthening the competitiveness of the Baltic States
Targeted investments in technology and innovation are significant not only to ensure that the Baltic States recover from the crisis created by the COVID‑19 pandemic as quickly as possible, but also to draw from this experience and strengthen the competitiveness of our countries and their economies on an international scale, said Jānis Vucāns, the newly elected President of the Baltic Assembly (BA) and Head of the Latvian delegation to the organisation, at the 40th Session of the BA in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania.
Dagmāra Beitnere-Le Galla in Vilnius: the Baltic states must work together to achieve long-term growth in the region
“The crisis caused by the pandemic is yet another opportunity for the Baltic states to look for ways to cooperate more closely and tackle this common global challenge. We must work together to recover from the COVID‑19 crisis as soon as possible and to achieve long‑term growth in the region,” said Dagmāra Beitnere‑Le Galla, Deputy Speaker of the Saeima, on Friday, 5 November, in her opening address at the 40th Session of the Baltic Assembly in Vilnius, capital of Lithuania.
Trešdien, 17.jūlijā
09:00  Eiropas Savienības Austrumu partnerības parlamentāro administrāciju dialogs par pārmaiņu vadību, sarunu vešanu un komunikāciju