Speaker Smiltēns on Job Shadow Day: Parliamentary democracy is a complex mechanism, but also the best system of governance


“Parliamentary democracy is complex—it requires the ability to coordinate a wide variety of views and opinions, as well as to listen and hear them. At the same time, it is also the best system of governance,” said Edvards Smiltēns, Speaker of the Saeima, on 5 April, the Job Shadow Day, in his address to the event participants at the Parliament.

“Nowadays we can see what disasters can arise from other forms of governance; for example, dictators can start wars, kill thousands of people, destroy entire cities and rural areas and not feel accountable at all,” said the Speaker of the Saeima.

Speaker Smiltēns expressed his appreciation for the young people’s willingness to learn about the workings of the complex mechanism that is parliamentary democracy. He also urged the participants to join in and think of ways to improve our country, perhaps by becoming MPs in the future. In addition, the Speaker noted that this year marks the centenary of the Saeima Rules of Procedure, the law governing the work of the Saeima. Smiltēns also informed that it was the last day to submit applications for the 10th Youth Parliament and called on the participants to make use of this opportunity.

To become acquainted with the daily work of the Parliament, over 180 pupils gathered at the Saeima building today. On the Job Shadow Day, they followed the work of the Speaker, members of the Presidium, Saeima MPs, as well as the staff of the Parliament. This year, participants were for the first time able to attend a Saeima sitting where a topical issue for the Latvian youth—the establishment of the State Defence Service—was discussed. Throughout the day, the Job Shadow Day participants could learn more about the Youth Parliament project and the school programme “Meet the Saeima,” as well as take photographs at the Job Shadow Day photo corner.

The Saeima is among the most popular Job Shadow Day destinations in Latvia. During the 13 years of the Saeima participating in the Job Shadow Day, over 2400 schoolchildren have followed the work of Saeima MPs and staff.

The Job Shadow Day is a career education event run by the organisation “Junior Achievement” for schoolchildren from grade 1 to 12. The purpose of the event is to acquaint schoolchildren with various industries and professions to help young people decide on their future education and career.

Photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/saeima/albums/72177720307262906
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Saeima Press Service

Sestdien, 19.oktobrī